Responsible Leadership course partnership signed in Indonesia

29 Feb 2024
MoA signing with FBE UAJY on Responsible Leadership
Globethics and UAJY sign partnership agreement

On 29 January 2024, a partnership was signed between the Faculty of Business and Economics at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (FBE UAJY), Indonesia, and Globethics, facilitated by the East Asia Pacific Regional Manager.

This collaboration aims to implement a Responsible Leadership course tailored to the Indonesian context. The initiative includes teacher training, module co-development, and translation into the Indonesian language for integration into standard Business and Economics courses, from Bachelor to Master programs.

Moreover, the course will be incorporated into the curriculum of the Center for Business and Economic Development (Pusat Pengembangan Bisnis and Ekonomika), extending its reach beyond academia to serve as a valuable component of revenue-generating training programs for external clients, including universities and businesses. The project is set to commence on 4 March, marking a significant step towards fostering responsible leadership in the region.

This partnership was publicised in the local newspaper Harian Jogja.