Regions and centres

Since its foundation, Globethics has endorsed a global identity and mission and has created programmes and offices/centres in many regions and countries. The Strategy 2023-2027 structured Globethics' global engagement in seven regions and 21 sub-regions. Through this structure, we aim to ensure a cross-cultural understanding of and global engagement with ethical challenges in the context of regional and local realities.

Our global community: regions and centres
North America Centre
New York
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Latin America and the Caribbean Centre
Buenos Aires
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Europe & Central Asia Centre and Head Office
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Western Africa Centre
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MENA Centre
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Southern Africa Centre
Cape Town
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South Asia Centre
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Eastern Africa Centre
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East Asia Pacific Centre
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The regions are defined based on Globethics' engagement strategy, combining geographical, cultural and bridge-building dynamics.


The sub-regions represent a strategic focus within the region, based on linguistic unity, geographical proximity, or geopolitical specificity.


Each region and sub-region are represented by a consul, appointed by the Board of Foundation. The consul is a person who has practical and/or theoretical competences in the global ethics agenda and the capability to bring the dynamics, thoughts, challenges, trends, and opportunities related to the ethics agenda in their region to Globethics.

National contacts

National contacts represent the Globethics network within a country. They are appointed by the Executive Director, in consultation with the regional or sub-regional consul. They assist the organisation in reaching out to partners and stakeholders, and extending the organisation's network and visibility.

Regional centres

The regional centres are operational units, created to extend the Globethics network and implement operations in a region or sub-region. They are part of the international operational body of the organisation, and bound together with the same Globethics’ vision, mission and strategy. They are equipped with qualified teams with cross-functional responsibilities and work in close collaboration with the Head Office in Geneva, Switzerland.

Regional advisory boards

Each regional or sub-regional centre has an advisory board, acting as consultative body and offering ideas and advice for the regional or sub-regional consul and centre. Advisory board members are appointed by the Executive Director and represent the cultural, religious and national diversity of the region or sub-region, in addition to the multidisciplinarity of ethics.

The interregional council

The interregional council, formed by the Globethics regional and sub-regional consuls, constitutes a consultative body that ensures the contribution of all the regions and sub-regions to Globethics’ planning and engagement, in addition to being a global platform for dialogue and exchange on current ethical challenges. The interregional council advises on regional, interregional, intercultural, interreligious, and global dynamics, challenges, and opportunities, related to the Globethics mission and strategy.