Building Bridges Towards a More Humane Society

Explorations in Contextual Biblical Interpretation on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Bridging Gaps Exchange Program
Kirsten van der Ham, Geke van Vliet, Peter-Ben Smit and Klaas Spronk (Editors)


This volume is celebrating the Bridging Gaps programme’s 25th anniversary at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Contributors are people who have been engaging with the programme as students, staff or representatives of partner organisations. This volume is divided into two: ‘Contextual theology and contextual biblical interpretation as catalysts for academic theology’ and ‘A catalyst for community: contextual theology and churches.’ The first part covers issues as LGBTQI+ acceptance, economy and impoverishment, gender-based violence and the position of women in biblical texts and churches. The second part of the volume concerns how local communities respond to a migration and climate crisis.